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Messina Wine Fest
Incoming and B2B
2 days of top Sicilian wine and gourmet experiences!
Sicindustria, partner of Enterprise Europe Network, and MeWi organise an incoming mission dedicated to Sicilian wine producers and international buyers, during the first edition of Messina Wine Fest (MWF).
MWF is organised in collaboration with the Municipality of Messina and Unioncamere Sicilia.
The event is coorganised also by other Enterprise Europe Network partners.
This incoming mission consists of two parts:
- 15th of June 2023 - B2B matchmaking event at Marina del Nettuno
- 16th of June 2023 - Company visits/lunch with the producer
Why participate as a Sicilian wine company

During the B2B on the 15th of June, Sicilian wine exhibitors will have the chance to meet about 10 international buyers (importers, distributors, retailers, HORECA, wine stores, etc), during pre-arranged, bilateral meetings (30 minutes each). The average business meetings will be 10 per company.
Companies will be able to showcase their wines to potential international partners from several countries.
The participation in the B2B event is free of charge.
On the 16th of June, buyers will be able to visits some of the wineries.
In addition, Sicilian companies will be able to exhibit their products during the Messina Wine Fest (14th to 17th of June). The participation as exhibitors has a cost. Sicilian companies interested in exhibiting with a booth can click on this LINK. More details about the Messina Wine Fest are available in the website of Messina Wine Fest.
Why participate in the mission as an international buyer

10 buyers can benefit of a fully covered participation, which includes the following costs
- Dedicated, pre-arranged B2B meetings with Sicilian wineries, to discover new potential partners.
- Many high quality wine producers from Sicily are expected to attend and exhibit at MWF.
- Visits to wineries from the 3 main DOC areas of Messina province and lunch with the producers
Check the buyer's programme and conditions here!
Check the Agenda and Deadlines here.
In collaboration with