How it works
Sicilian Wine companies
By the 9th of June 2023, click on this LINK to register your company. If you participated in other EEN events in the past, the platform will remember your profile.
If you register in an EEN event for the first time, you will have to fill all the fields with the general information and description on your company, add your photo (as participant) and logo.
Once you have completed the general description, insert in the Opportunities area (Marketplace) the product(s) that you intend to propose to buyers. Click on the field "+Product" and fill the fields. You can add images, files and videos. The more complete, the easier it gets for buyers to understand your offer. You can add as many products as you wish.

Your profile will be validated only if it is complete in all its parts, and ready to be showed to buyers.
All the texts have to be written in English.
From the 29th to the 9th of June will start the booking phase. Producers and buyers can login, invite, accept, decline the invitations, exchange messages.
On the 12th of June, you will receive the preliminary agenda and, on the 15th of June, at the registration desk, you will get the final agenda. Please notice, that you can constantly check the agenda with your meetings, once you are logged in.
International Buyer
By the 9th of June 2023, click on this LINK to register your company. If you participated in other EEN events in the past, the platform will remember your profile.
If you register in an EEN event for the first time, you will have to fill all the fields with the general information and description on your company, add your photo (as participant) and logo.
Once you have completed the general description, insert what you are looking for in the Opportunities area (Marketplace). Click on the field "+Request" and fill the field. You can add images, files and videos.

Buyers will be validated once they have completed the profile in all its parts.
The 10 buyers who are accepted for the Buyer's Programme Grant, will be contacted by the organisation in order to arrange the travel to Messina and the participation in the event.
Other buyers who are interested in the B2B event are still welcome. However the organisation will not be able to cover travel and accommodation costs.
From the 29th to the 9th of June will start the booking phase. Buyers and producers can login, invite, accept, decline the invitations, exchange messages.
On the 12th of June, you will receive the preliminary agenda and, on the 15th of June, at the registration desk, you will get the final agenda. Please notice, that you can constantly check the agenda with your meetings, once you are logged in.